How to use a walking stick for self defense

Learn how to hit someone with a stick for self defense using the self defense walking stick with self defense expert Matt Pasquinilli.

Can you defend yourself with a walking stick?

Yes, you can defend yourself with a walking stick using simple principles and powerful techniques.

The first principle of self defense using your walking stick, is situational awareness.

Pay attention to what is happening in your environment as it is happening.

This mindfulness skill will allow you to see a lot of threats before they are right up on you.

Then, you can get out of dodge before you need to use your walking stick for self defense.

Get your own self defense walking stick here.


Self Defense Training At Home

Self Defense training at home – age is just a number.

As you age, you trade youth for wisdom.

This wisdom along with skill and experience, is a great asset to practical and effective self defense.

As you age, you lose youthful strength, but learn how to generate real power by applying force with speed.

To create real knockout power, you need extension, rotation, and acceleration.

Age brings wisdom and common sense, something not always found in youth.

Young people often focus on technique, which is a mistake.

With age, you learn that principles are more important than technique.

As a young man or woman, you have a lot of natural speed.

Speed diminishes with age.

As you grow older, you can master timing and distance, which is better for self defense than speed.

Bo staff training basics

White Belt Martial Arts Staff Curriculum Checklist – This level focuses mostly on Chinese/Korean Style Martial Arts Long Staff


Spins – all spins must be done with both hands at least thirty seconds each hand.


One hand warmup

Hand to hand transfer, palm up, pinkie to pinkie

Overhand butterfly spin

Forward Infinity Spin front of body and side of body – one hand

Reverse Infinity Spin front of body and side of body – one hand

Forward Infinity Spin front of body – two hands

Reverse Infinity Spin front of body – two hands

Two hand infinity spin around body forward

Strikes And Blocks – All strikes done equally to both sides of body 30 seconds per strike. Both hands facing forward at shoulder length apart.

Front Stance, Upper angle strike

Front Stance, Lower Angle Strike

Front Stance, High Block and Low Block

Back Stance, crossing low block

Front Stance, Crossing Horizontal Strike

Basic Kata/Poomse/Form/Pattern 1

Bow, turn left into left foot front stance with high block and two upper strikes, one each side

Slide front foot into back foot, turn to opposite side and repeat in right front stance

Slide front foot into back foot and move to starting direction in left foot forward back stance

Crossing low block left, slide back foot forward into right foot back stance

Crossing low block right

Slide left foot into right, turn to left into left foot front stance and low block/ 2 low strikes

Bring left foot in and turn to opposite direction into right front stance low block/ 2 low strikes

Right foot in and turn toward back into left back stance, crossing low block left

Step into right back stance, crossing low block right

Right foot in turn left into left front stance crossing horizontal strike left

Left foot slides in and turn to right front stance, right crossing horizontal strike



Learn Bo staff at home for beginners level one is a great place to start learning how to use a Bo long martial arts staff.

Learn Bo staff at home for beginners number two builds on the basics of the first class and adds to your skill level.

Learn Bo staff at home for beginners number three starts to introduce some new challenges to help you improve your bo staff handling.

Learn bo staff at home for beginners number four introduces new concepts and drills to improve your bo staff training.

Bo Staff Training

How to hit someone with a stick for self defense using your long martial arts staff or Bo.

The Japanese or Okinawan Bo is a traditional martial arts staff that is often 72 inches long and about an inch in diameter.

How to hit someone for self defense using the long martial arts stick.

The long martial arts stick is also popular in Indian martial arts like Silambam and Kiryapati and Gakti.

Street fight self defense with staff.

The martial arts long staff is a very versatile and powerful self defense tool.

Because of the length of your Bo or long staff, you have reach advantage over many other types of non projectile weapons.

The best material for a Bo or long martial arts staff is hickory or oak.

You can get your own Bo or other long martial arts staff here.

Long martial arts stick training for beginners.

You can get a great self defense Bo staff here.



How To Hit Someone With A Stick For Self Defense

How to hit someone with a stick for self defense using the kubaton self defense keychain.

Get your own self defense keychain here Get your own kubaton self defense keychain here

How to his someone with a stick for self defense using the self defense walking stick.

Get your own self defense walking stick here. 

How to hit someone with a stick for self defense using the homemade self defense walking stick.

How to hit someone with a stick for self defense using the short self defense stick.

How to hit someone with a stick for self defense using a long martial arts staff.

Prepper Self Defense Tools For SHTF – Cane Self Defense and Walking Sticks For Self Defense

It is better to prepare than to panic.

Training with a self defense cane or a walking stick for self defense gives you great options for self defense against a bigger attacker, multiple attackers, and an attack with a knife or other bladed weapon.

The principles of self defense with a self defense cane or walking stick for self defense are very straightforward and simple.

First, pay attention to your environment at all times,

Situational awareness requires that you put your phone down and get your head up!

And speaking of keeping your head up, make sure you have your head on a swivel, looking behind you and to the right and left, not just straight ahead.

Secondly, you must get into a better position when you feel threatened.

Step back with one foot and get your self defense cane or walking stick for self defense, up and between you and the threat.

The third principle of self defense requires you to ask yourself a simple question.

Take a deep breath and ask yourself “What targets can I remove or destroy?” for self defense.

That question means that you need to determine what areas of the body you will strike to cause damage or disruption for self defense.

For example, you might strike the eyes to remove the threat’s ability to see you clearly.

Or, you might strike the throat of the threat with your self defense cane or walking stick for self defense to take away the threats ability to breath temporarily or permanently.

This principle of self defense requires that you understand the use of violence to stop the threat.

It’s not pretty or kind, but the threat is life or death, you are him, so you will use violence to stop violence.

Fight Like Hell!

Learn how to defend yourself with a walking cane in this walking cane self defense video.

You have to Fight Like Hell when using the walking cane for self defense.

Full commitment to close with and destroy the bad guy, for self defense, is essential, because the fight isn’t over until you win!

Learn how to defend yourself with a walking cane like a Cane Masters Quantum Protector Self Defense Cane in this video titles “Fight Like Hell” with Senior Self Defense and Cane Self Defense Instructor, Matt Pasquinilli.

Get your own Cane Masters Quantum Protector Self Defense Canes Here.