Bo Staff Training

How to hit someone with a stick for self defense using your long martial arts staff or Bo.

The Japanese or Okinawan Bo is a traditional martial arts staff that is often 72 inches long and about an inch in diameter.

How to hit someone for self defense using the long martial arts stick.

The long martial arts stick is also popular in Indian martial arts like Silambam and Kiryapati and Gakti.

Street fight self defense with staff.

The martial arts long staff is a very versatile and powerful self defense tool.

Because of the length of your Bo or long staff, you have reach advantage over many other types of non projectile weapons.

The best material for a Bo or long martial arts staff is hickory or oak.

You can get your own Bo or other long martial arts staff here.

Long martial arts stick training for beginners.

You can get a great self defense Bo staff here.



Stop The Threat – Cane Self Defense Training

Can you use a walking cane for self defense?

The short answer is yes!

The long answer is yes, because it is a long stick with a hook on one side.

It hits hard.

It can be employed in self defense immediately.

And the self defense walking cane can be carried everywhere you go!

Stop the threat using your walking cane for self defense

Stop the threat immediately with walking cane self defense techniques

Walking cane self defense to stop the threat immediately!