Martial Arts Cane and Fighting With Sticks!

Discover the most effective self defense tools that you can carry that are not a gun. The self defense cane, Bo, Jo, Kali or Escrima or Arnis sticks, nunchucks and more!

Fighting with a stick allows you to increase your power and create distance between the threat and your body.

The martial arts cane or self defense cane hits hard and has a hook to grab and lock the target’s body when used correctly.

Carrying a self defense cane, walking stick, staff, or even other martial arts stick weapons, gives you extra personal security options. It’s like a health insurance policy.

A martial arts cane or self defense cane is a better option for a violent attack or for use in stopping a knife attack. The stick doesn’t bleed and doesn’t feel any pain, plus it increases your reach and striking force.