Preper Self Defense Tools For When The S#*T Hits The Fan (SHTF)!

When the SHTF, you need to be as fully prepared as possible.

In addition to a clean source or supply of water, a durable stockpile of food, alternative energy generation sources, and the ability to stay warm and dry, you will need to be fully prepared to defend yourself and your family.

In addition to firearms, the following are great preper self defense tools for SHTF:

The walking stick is the perfect preper self defense tool for SHTF, because it gives you reach and strength advantage over most bladed weapons, and is disguised as an everyday carry utility item.

The home made self defense walking stick is a fantastic and inexpensive self defense option for the practical preper in terms of self defense tools for SHTF.


Fight like Morgan from The Walking Dead using the self defense walking stick.