Winning the Fight: The Importance of First Mover Advantage in Self-Defense

Self defense expert Matt Pasquinilli

Self-defense is a crucial aspect of personal safety and well-being. In today’s society, with an increasing level of violence and crime, it is essential to know how to defend oneself. One of the most important concepts in self-defense is the first mover advantage. This principle is based on the idea that whoever strikes first in a physical altercation has a significant advantage over their opponent. In this blog post, we will explore the first mover advantage in self-defense and its importance. We will also hear from self-defense expert Tim Larkin and his thoughts on the topic.

What is First Mover Advantage?

The first mover advantage is a term used to describe the advantage that a person has when they strike first in a physical altercation. In self-defense situations, the person who strikes first has a better chance of disabling or incapacitating their opponent, giving them a significant advantage. The first mover advantage is based on the element of surprise and the ability to control the fight from the start.

Why is First Mover Advantage Important in Self Defense?

In self-defense situations, the first mover advantage is critical for several reasons. First, it can help to quickly end the fight, reducing the risk of injury or harm. Second, it can deter the attacker from continuing their assault, preventing further harm to the defender. Third, it can give the defender a psychological advantage, making them feel more in control of the situation.

According to Tim Larkin, a self-defense expert, the first mover advantage is essential in self-defense because it can help to prevent a situation from escalating. He says, “The first mover advantage can give you the chance to end the fight quickly and decisively, preventing the attacker from causing any more harm.”

In a self-defense situation, the defender should always be prepared to use force if necessary. Larkin explains, “You have to be willing to strike first if you want to defend yourself effectively. It’s not about being aggressive or violent; it’s about protecting yourself and those around you.”

How to Use First Mover Advantage in Self Defense?

To use the first mover advantage in self-defense, the defender needs to be aware of their surroundings and anticipate potential threats. They should be able to recognize signs of aggression in others and be prepared to act quickly if necessary. Larkin advises, “You need to be aware of your surroundings at all times, looking for potential threats and assessing your options.” (Tim Larkin is the author of When Violence Is The Answer. Get it here

If a physical altercation does occur, the defender should strike first with a forceful blow to the attacker’s vulnerable areas, such as the eyes, throat, or groin. Larkin says, “You need to target the areas that are going to cause the most pain and disable the attacker quickly. This gives you the advantage you need to end the fight.”

It is also important to remember that the first mover advantage is not a guarantee of success in a self-defense situation. The defender must be prepared to use additional force if necessary and be aware of their surroundings at all times.


In conclusion, the first mover advantage is a critical concept in self-defense. It can give the defender a significant advantage in a physical altercation, reducing the risk of injury or harm. To use the first mover advantage effectively, the defender needs to be aware of their surroundings, anticipate potential threats, and be prepared to act quickly if necessary. As Tim Larkin states, “You have to be willing to strike first if you want to defend yourself effectively. It’s not about being aggressive or violent; it’s about protecting yourself and those around you.” By understanding and utilizing the first mover advantage, individuals can improve their chances of successfully defending themselves in a dangerous situation.